Friday, May 22, 2015

For those organizations who’ve been planning on upgrading some of your legacy Windows Servers, especially the 2003 variety, but just haven’t found a compelling enough reason to do so, you’ll want to go ahead and put those upgrade plans in high gear!
In July of this year there will no longer be any more security updates for this server. Unlike the retirement of XP, where Microsoft continued with anti-malware definitions, in this case when the server goes out of support and becomes an unsupported product Microsoft will NOT be issuing any anti-malware protections.
The ‘so-called’ security updates will end on July 14, 2015. Microsoft is recommending that organizations not rely on what they deem as ‘up to date’ security patches as Microsoft has found them not to be ‘secure enough’ or effective enough for out of date/support operating systems. If you’d like to know what your migration options are and what makes sense for your organization we are always ready, willing and able to help you figure out your next move.

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