Wednesday, May 13, 2015

OneDrive for Business is an Outlook email storage application that is utilized by many Office 365 clients. While the application has been available to Mac users, the ability to sync files and take them offline was limited until now. With the new OneDrive for Business sync client, users can now access their files across all devices by downloading the iOS application and the Mac Sync Client from Microsoft Download Center.

Accessibility is Key

Users have been able to utilize Android and Windows apps to sync their OneDrive files since late 2014, but the iOS application took a little longer to develop. In late January 2015, Microsoft finally released the OneDrive app, giving iPhone users the same accessibility. The application features new capabilities for viewing, managing, and sharing photos as well as the option to connect multiple OneDrive accounts. Previous versions separated the business and personal use files but the new OneDrive for Business allows users to access all files through the same app interface.

Business users can access all saved files and shared files, as well as the most recently viewed files. Additionally, there is a recovery option for files that were accidentally sent to the Recycle Bin. The new OneDrive features an upload option as well as “search” and “share” features making it easy to interact with business and personal files on the go. With this application comes enterprise-grade security with compliance and control by Office 365.

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